Molybdenum Shield
Product Molybdenum (Mo) Heat Shield
Part Number TRM-MO019
Purity 99.95%
Shape Assembly
Density 10.2 g/cm3
CAS# 7439-98-7

Molybdenum Heat Shield is an assembly with the multi-layer molybdenum plates and the riveted joints. Due to the reflective properties of the molybdenum sheet, the thermal radiation can reflect to the work piece at the center of the thermal field.

Application: Molybdenum Heat Shield is used in the sapphire growth furnace or the high temperature vacuum furnace. For more details, please refer to the book chapter below:

Stephan Lang, Harald Drück, Dominik Bestenlehner, Chapter 8 – Ultrahigh temperature thermal insulation, Ultra-High Temperature Thermal Energy Storage, Transfer and Conversion, 2021, Pages 201-219, (

Thermostability 89%
Machinability 85%
Corrosion Resistance 88%

Order Information

Please include the following information with your inquires and orders:
1. Quantity
2. Dimensions
3. Drawings

Brief Introductions

The molybdenum heat shield can be divided into molybdenum up shields, molybdenum side shields and molybdenum bottom shields.

Standard vacuum furnace in a 1300°C operating temperature, the heat shields are two layers of molybdenum sheets with three-layer stainless steel sheet outside. If a higher operating temperature is required, both the number of layers and the thickness of each layer should be increased. If temperatures in excess of 1650°C, the tantalum sheet can be used to replace the molybdenum sheet.

We can offer the molybdenum heat shield with diameter 75’’ max. and height 75’’ max. Custom Work on your drawing is available, and we can offer the molybdenum parts and assemblies on request. Please contact us for more details.


Element Purity  99.95% min.
C 0.01 wt%, max
Fe 0.01 wt%, max
Ni 0.005 wt%, max
Si 0.01 wt%, max
Mo Remainder

Standard Packing

Wooden Boxes, Carton Boxes

Please refer to the molybdenum rods, tubes and plates for more products.

Physical Properties Molybdenum (Atom#42)
Phase Solid
Melting Point 2896 K (2623°C, 4753°F)
Boiling Point 4912 K (4639°C, 8382°F)
Heat of Fusion 37.48 kJ/mol
Heat of Vaporization 598 kJ/mol
Molar Heat Capacity 24.06 J/(mol•K)
Atomic Weight 95.95
Thermal Conductivity 1.38 W/cm/K @ 298.2 K